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Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus

PLease click here to view a short video about our building fund and LCVAP

Our Governing Board

St. Joseph's Governors are extremely supportive and have the children's best interests and the mission of the school at their heart. The main Governing Board meet at least three times a year. 

If you would like to contact one of the Governors, please email either: marked for the attention of 'Clerk to the Governors' or Alternatively, write to The Chair of Governors at St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Cherry Orchard, Lichfield WS14 9AN. Governors are also always available for a chat on Parent's Evenings!

How Governors are appointed:

The Archbishop of Birmingham Diocese appoints all Foundation Governors

Members of staff vote for Staff Governors

Staffordshire LA appoint LA Governor

Parents vote for the Parent Governor

Co-opt Governors can be staff or any person nominated by the Governing Board to fill a gap within the skills audit

Associate Members - appointed for a specific skill or task at the request of the Governing Board

Term of Office 4 year

          (PE) Parent Elect - (F) Foundation - (H) Headteacher - (LA) Local Authority - (S) Staff - (C) Co-opt - (AssM) Associate Member


Mrs Martina Rowe (known as Tina) - Chair (F)                                             

Mr Peter O'Brien - Vice Chair (F)

Mr Jonathan Baker (LA)

Ms Melissa Briers (S)

Mrs Ruth Drover (F)

Mrs Igna Evans (F)

Mrs Pauline Lewis (F)

Mr Martin McEntee (PE)

Mrs Deirdre McLeary (known as Dee)  (H)

Mrs Nuria Fernandez-Gallardo (F)

Mrs Harriet Rawles (C)

Mrs Elizabeth Roberts (known as Liz) (C)     (term ended October 2023)   

Mrs Amy Shore (PE)

Mrs Sarah Sizer (PE)  (term ended October 2023)                 

Mrs Lisa Tomlinson (F)

Mrs Christine Turnell (F)

Mr Daniel Woods (PE) (term ended October 2023)

Mrs Joanne Wordsworth (known as Jo) (F)  (term ended October 2023)


Mrs Ann Bateman (AssM)

Mrs Ruth O'Leary (AssM)


Statutory Notices

Click here to see Governing Board 2023-24 including Business & Pecuniary Interests

Click here to see the Governing Board Sub-Committee 2023-24

Click here to see the Governing Board Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 2023-24

Click here to see the Governors Nominated/Link Responsibilities 2023-24 (to follow)

Click here to see the Governance Statement and Attendance at Meetings

Click here to see the Governors Code of Conduct - October 2023


Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - June 2022 (to follow)

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - March 2023

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - October 2022

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - June 2022

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - March 2022

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - November 2021

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - July 2021

Click here to see the Main Governing Board Minutes - March 2021



End of School Year letter (July 2024)

Parent Governor vacancy - letter to parents (January 2024)

Parent Governor - Nomination Form - to be returned to the office no later than 4 pm on 8th February 2024

End of School Year letter (July 2023)

Building Fund Letter (January 2022)

School Refurbishment Letter (April 2021)

Christmas Message from the Governing Board 2020